Axiatonal Alignment Sessions

 April 5, 2018 in Barrie, On


An Axiatonal Alignment session has everyone feeling rejuvenated.  Drop the stress, pain and worries.  Gain clarity, balance, bliss & a whole host of other wonderful adjectives!

 If you decide you want to learn this amazing modality your chance to take the course will be May. Date TBA.  To be put on the mailing list for details & updates Click here.

What is Axiatonal Alignment?

In its healing capacity Axiatonal Alignment opens blocked meridians to allow the free flow of energies that have been trapped in our beings and restrict our movement forward. When allowed to flow, all cellular memories that we have been afraid to look at and have held us captive are released. The points utilized, when put together, will trace out forms of sacred geometry and open your inate capacity for healing.

What is involved?

Three procedures: 1. This first pass clears blockages from the meridians by opening and clearing the spin points and allowing them to spin. 2. This pass connects the left and right sides of the body. It helps to balance and centre the masculine and feminine intellect and initiative. 3. This pass anchors the Source energy.  

What are the effects of an Axiatonal Alignment session?

Some experience deep relaxation, an increase in focus and clarity, motivation, improved concentration, a sense of balance and more vivid dreams. You may find answers to your questions arrive in these dreams or memory flashbacks. You may feel more in the flow, recognizing more synchronicity.

What prior recipients are saying.

“Laila offered me a sampling day and I am glad I took her up on her offer. It was a wonderful meditative experience. I loved the visuals she used. It was like taking a mini-vacation, except instead of just lying on the beach, I saw the whole world and then some, waking relaxed and exuberated at the same time. I highly recommend her services. She’s a real pro and offers a wonderful environment.”
Linda Laforge, Artist

Barrie, On,

I recently had an Axiatonal treatment with Laila.  At the time, I was in a low energy rhythm and was tired and feeling blah overall.  This was my second time experiencing this with Laila and it was quite powerful.  I was pleasantly surprised at the feeling of total relaxation and clearing of my blah feelings.  At one point I felt like I had melted into the table and couldn’t move my arms I was so relaxed, and I don’t usually get that relaxed in any treatment! Laila is knowledgeable and experienced in energy work so relaxing and letting her take the lead is easy.  She is a calming energy that helps you to heal yourself and re-energize.  I would absolutely recommend this treatment to anyone who needs to clear, re-group and re-charge their energy.  It’s much easier to take on the world of energy suckers with a full tank!

Barrie, On

“You make an excellent teacher/practitioner as you have had life experiences which many have not.  You have pushed yourself forward to improve who you are which created wisdom that you have passed on to others, like myself.  You are a great teacher because you are no long restricted by the chains of society or societal norms.  You are a free spirit and have such a lightness to you that you inspire and lift people with even just your presence.  I would highly recommend you!”

Owen Sound, On

Frequently Asked Questions

How long is a session?
Each session will be 35 minutes.
What do I wear?
Wear anything that is comfortable.  You remain fully clothed during the session.  No oils are used and I will not mess up your hair!  🙂
Do I need to know anything else?
Absolutely no prior knowledge is required.  If the descriptions on this page still leave you wondering, feel free to contact me using the link at the bottom of the page.
How will I feel afterwards?
Each session and each recipient is different.  You may come away feeling totally refreshed and ready to take on the world. Or you may feel mellow and ready to relax.  
What is your refund policy?
As this special can only be offered by pre-booking , we cannot provide a refund.  You may however, depending on reason, be eligible for a credit towards the next offering.

Session Fee

Book your session now before they're gone!

Time until special offer disappears!








Still have questions?

Sitting on the fence?  Need more information before you decide? Please contact me for any and all questions or concerns.  We’d love to see you there!